Sunday, May 17, 2009

This and that...

Unfortunately I am being plagued by lower back pain
and sitting longer then 5 minutes on a chair is almost impossible...
meaning my computer time is being downsized big time at the moment.
As a direct consequence I'll be posting less the next couple of days...

Here a few updates though...

Yesterday we've been to the farm in Fjälkinge, our future home.
We took the first trailer full of small furniture and gardening tools etc. with us
and deposited the things in one of the big barns.

While being there, we took the chance to walk around a bit on the property and immediately started to make plans...
"this is going to be like that and we'll do that like this..."
you know....
We are very excited and looking forward to get started
on our new "adventure" as horsefarm renters!

On the way back we took a short U-turn and visited Carola and her family.
Carola is giving a 2 week riding coach clinic on her place, so we enjoyed a short chat and coffee during the lunch break, took a look at a lawnmower that doesn't want to start (the battery might be dead..) and played a bit with the kids...

Back at home we just took care of the animals and fell onto the bed!
We were exhausted.

Today is Sunday and we decided to leave it at that...

Tomorrow we'll start working on the move again,
sorting and packing boxes,
maybe get started on breaking down the fences around the yard and so on and so on...

My back tells me to quit now and I don't have any choice other then to listen!




  1. Back trouble is very troublesome. I am plagued with it occasionally too. Sure slows a person down. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Hejda, sure hope your back feels better soon - and I know you know that the only solution is to take it easy for awhile ~ which is hard to do when your moving and having to move heavy boxes. Be Careful!...debbie

  3. Moving is so exciting, but can be very hard on your body! It's good to take a day off--a good time to plan!

  4. I'm excited for you with your new move to a new location!! But I'm sad to hear that your back is bothering you...troublesome. I know all about back do take care and I'm glad to hear that your listening to your body and taking a day off. I hope your having nice weather.


  5. Take it easy - rest up and hope your back feels better soon!!

  6. ...I hope your back pain improves. I used to have a lot of back pain, but then I became a yoga teacher. Now I'm okay... Are there any yoga classes around? Ashtanga helped me at the beginning, then I switched to more gentle as my muscles elongated.


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