Thursday, May 21, 2009

Internet Explorer - Browser Problem

Since this morning people who are using Internet Explorer as their browser might experience problems viewing my blog.

Browsers like Firefox and Safari seem to work just fine.

I am sorry about that, I'll try to find out what the problem is and fix it asap...
It might also be a "blogger problem" so I don't really know how long it will take.

I just changed the layout a bit to see if it could fix the problem.
I hope I can go back to my old layout soon without any problems.

Feedback on what the problem could be
and/or a possible solution is welcome!



  1. If I keep clicking on the back arrow and be patient, then it will let me in. I've been having trouble with mine in that once I post something, it doesn't show up anyplace...very frustrating...debbie

  2. Toma just downloaded Firefox onto my computer this morning. Now I get to spend part of my day learning the differences between it and Internet Explorer. They had their chance to fix the problem, but I got tired of waiting! mj

  3. Hello, thanks for joining my blog. I just wanted to say I've had awful trouble with Internet Explorer ... wondered about updating to IE8 that Yahoo keeps informing us is so much faster.
    I love the photograph of the dog.


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