Friday, May 22, 2009

Still Problems with Internet Explorer?

Hi friends and visitors of hillybillyfarmgirl!

Over the past few days users of Internet Explorer might have dad difficulties reaching my blog or other peoples blogs (all over the world) and received following error message:

"internet explorer cannot open this website, operation aborted"

Users with Firefox or Safari were not affected.

It seems that no one really knows where the problem is, some say it occurs only with older versions of IE and that an update to IE 8 would help, but that was not the case with my PC.

I personally use an Apple Machine with Firefox and Safari as browsers, but we also have a PC in the house that had problems reaching my own blog with IE.
The update didn't have any effect.
So I don't think IE IS the problem at all.

I also read online that the problem is with and that they are working on fixing it...
That will probably take forever...

They recommend bloggers who's sites are unreachable to remove one or some of the Widgets in the sidebar like the "Followers" widget, because it might "solve" the problem.
That is what I just did and it seems to have worked.
It is not a satisfactory solution for me though because I like that widget, but I don't have any other choice right now it seems.
I hope will come up with a REAL solution soon, so I can put my widget back up again...

OR users could also change from IE to Firefox or Safari or other Browsers...!!

Please let me know IF and When you had problems...


I'd like to use this opportunity to thank all the kind people who come here and visit my blog on a regular basis!
It's great to have so many people from all over the world "here" and I am always happy if some of them take the time to leave a short comment. If not, it's OK too!
If time allows it I will visit your blogs and leave a note too, I promise!

Blogging is a fun thing to do, isn't it?!!



  1. Sorry to hear about all the certainly don't need to add computer trouble to your "to do" list right've got enough to do with moving! Hope everything smooths out soon. No worries about us!!!! ~Janine XO

  2. I'm glad I saw this post because my sister was having issues with this last night, and was getting pretty frustrated. It's nice to know she wasn't the only one! She ended up downloading IE 8 and it helped, but now she can't drop and drag photos in Blogger. I told her to download Mozilla/Firefox, I like cutting and pasting my pictures while editing my post.
    Hopefully it was a Blogger/IE problem (incompatibility issue?) and it will be on the mend soon!

  3. ...another reason to use a Mac! Thanks for posting this info...if anyone asks I'll direct them to your post.

  4. I did have problems getting to your blog the last few days but today it's worked fine. I think Blogger has been having some problems, because I know at least one other blog that was having problems getting things to work, and others had missing elements, like the followers list. One of them that had that issue I know uses a Mac. If I remember right sometime last week Blogger was doing some update work and was scheduled to be down. The problems seem to have occurred after that. That makes me suspect that they did something that caused the issue--just my guess. Of course, as far as I'm concerned, computers work on magic anyway, and sometimes the spell just goes a little wrong! LOL

  5. Well, it's great to know that it is not just my computer! That message and the associated problems have been maddening. I hate to lose the followers gadget but perhaps that will help. Thanks for the info!! Hope your back is better!

  6. I have had problems the last couple of days and thought I had too much on my computer so did a cleanup of documents: either trash bin or put onto a flash for storage. Now I can visit other blogs without too much trouble, and here I am.

  7. My sis Pony Girl already left a comment about me and my problems, but I just wanted to say that I have had this problem for the last couple days, there were some blogs I couldn't access at all. I did download IE 8, it seemed to help a little.
    But now when I am typing up a post in blogger, I can't click and drag pictures! Now I get to go see what I can do about that! I have been so frustrated! I may be downloading Firefox in the next hour!
    I was thinking I was the only one with this problem, glad to hear I am not the only one! I always think when something like this happens, that I caused it, I am not the most computer literate person! :)

  8. I was having that problem yesterday but it seems to be fine today. Usually they clear up problems pretty fast.


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