Monday, April 27, 2009

Full time job

is hard work.
It could become a

We blog a lot because we want to share and
want to keep our regular readers happy, don't we!
Of course we do!

But that is not enough...
There are all those friends
that want to keep in touch with you
on other platforms

(...where strangers become your friend by just one click)
(...where you gather followers)
msn messenger
and myspace
(...where people pretend to be someone they are not)
yahoo messenger
and not to forget Skype!

Just to name a few.
Wouldn't ONE provider/service be enough for all of us?
It would make life so much easier!


And then you have your special contacts and friends
who you are still sending regular (ordinary) e-mails from time to time,
friends who want to know what is going on in our lives.

That is why I started blogging originally.
I thought it would be the easiest way to
keep all our friends and contacts up to date
on our daily adventures.
For those who really want to know.

But I am not complaining!
Don't get me wrong.

I love to get e-mails and also love to write them myself.
It is still my favourite way to stay in touch with our beloved friends all over the world.

But all that
IMing and
tweeting and
is just too much for me.
A great way to get friends and followers though...

I love the internet


What will they come up with next?



  1. It is all a little bit overwhelming and sometimes makes you wonder what you did with all your time before all this came about. Bottom line is that we do this stuff because we enjoy it! All the best- LL

  2. I have to say that there are so many internet spaces that keep the kids from playing outside in the great sunshine. It's rather sad. I hate to see what will develope in the future - certainly nothing earth shatteringly great. I too, like my blog - have met so many nice people! like you!!!...debbie

  3. You made some very points in that post. I'm very new to blogging, but have found it to be a very enjoyable experience.

  4. Oh, I'm sooo in agreement with you! It's dreadful, isn't it? So much to keep up with...gotta get it all under control ...soon... :-)

  5. I agree, it's too much for me. I can't keep up and keep my life. Even blogging is a bit out of control for me. I am setting limits now, post maybe once a week and visit others 2 or 3 times a week. There are just too many lovely people out there!

  6. made me laugh because I was just telling my girlfriend and husband the same thing. Blogging is like a full-time job. I started blogging to keep my birding friends and family together and to continue to learn more about birds and conservation, and it's helped me so much, but I always want to learn more and do it takes up a lot of time. As of yet I haven't ventured to any other outlet. I don't twitter, or facebook or anything else. I might just keep it that way to keep it simple.


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