Friday, August 21, 2009

Why are animals so fascinating for us humans?

Why do we humans "keep" pets?

Why do we appreciate the company of our animals so much?

Why do a lot of people even favor the company of an animal over the company of another human being?

Animals give comfort.

Touching them makes us happy.

Animals give trust (if treated well) and UNCONDITIONAL love.

Animals depend on us, they NEED us, we have SOMEONE who NEEDS us ALWAYS.

SOMEONE who doesn't expect anything from us.

...Only food and attention...

There has always been that one question amongst pet lovers...

"Are you more of a "cat" person or a "dog" person..?"

It is an interesting question indeed.

"Dog" people are somehow different from "cat" people, aren't they..?

Then you have the "horse" person.

Or the "reptile" person, the "bird" person and the "rat" person...

Amongst the "dog" people you have the ..

"Sheperd" person, the "Labrador" person, the "Dackel" person or the "Chihuahua" person...

Amongst the "horse" people you have the....

"Quarter Horse" person, the "Arabian" person, the "Mustang" person, the "Coldblood" person, the "Pony" person and the "Mule" person...



I guess I was always a "horse" person, as well as a "dog" person...
Since a couple of years I am also a "cat" person.

I really appreciate our animals honesty, they ALWAYS tell you right away if they are okay with something or not.
I appreciate their patience with us humans.
I appreciate their loyalty and never ending love.

What I appreciate most is that they try to teach us how to be present every single day.

They try to show us the way to "happiness", to "simpleness".

They try to lead the way and all we gotta do is follow.

I think most humans are having a hard time to be present these days, I would even say that most humans
don't even know what "being present" is,
how "being present" feels like.


A majority of people don't even think about a subject like that.

They are not even aware of the fact that they are not PRESENT.

I call them "hunters".

They hunt for all kinds of things like money, beauty, power, success, love and happiness...

I think everyone has a point in his life where she or he will ask him- or herself, what it really is that matters...
What it really is that lets you find happiness.

But what is happiness, how does it really feel?
I mean that happiness that is unconditional, that happiness that comes from deep inside yourself.

That place of happiness where you are not hunting anymore, not for money, not for succcess or beauty, not for love...

Animals are no "hunters".

Animals are happiness.



  1. I read this yesterday and wanted to comment.

    For me, animals are honest. ... they never lie to you and always let you know how they stand.

    Animals in my life are my doorway to happiness...

  2. I so agree with what you have written.
    I am also a dog and horse person with the addition of cats when they were left at the farm we bought. All of my animals give and give and give. It's mutual admiration.

  3. Hi Michi,

    i have so enjoyed catching up with your blog. i love coming here, there is such a feeling of warmth and love. your photos are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing so much.

    i love the snail climbing down (up?) the tree. and your midas in the header photo, oh my!

  4. Thoughtful post. I guess I'm a dog person since I have quite a few of them. I love their loyalty, intelligence, their unconditional love and their honesty - what you see is what they are, no hidden agendas. I like other animals as well - love horses but don't want one, love my sheep and goats, but the dogs are the "cat's meow". :)

  5. I love your unbridled affection and appreaciation of animals. Certainly their presence in my life is a constant joy.

    Dog or cat person...for now dog. My old cat died and I can not bring myself to replace him. As I have three rescue dogs...and my noisy's enough. :)

  6. I love this post. You say it ALL! I am going to link to it, unless you object. Thank you.


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