Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday greetings from Cleo and Aaron

We went on a little drive today, up to a lake called "Immeln". 
It was a nice trip and we really enjoyed this day, even though it seemed to go by way too fast. 

I'll be getting up early again tomorrow morning - time for bed - so I'll keep this post very short and will post some more photos of our drive in the coming days. 

Here's just a few shots that show Aaron looking outside the car window at one of our stops 
and below during a very short sniffing round at a rest area along the roadway.

The last photo shows part of the lake where we went for another walk along nice cabins and houses...


  1. Wow, sweet Aaron has grown up to be quite the handsome young man! Wow. Cleo is a little darling, too. :)


  2. Looks like they are both enjoying the walk! Time has a way of going too fast for sure. I went to my mom's today and it was just no time at all and it was time to leave...debbie

  3. What beautiful peaceful scenery. Still looks like summer there. We're having early signs of autumn here in the Northwest...cooler and more cloudy than the average for September...I'm not ready! Your dog looks healthy and handsome. He has really grown!


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