Sunday, December 13, 2009


Tack Malyn och Philip! Vad coolt!



  1. lol looks like a lot of fun!! Did you chase the kitties with it??!.lol ...debbie

  2. ...haha! I love that first shot. Very cool....and it looks like a lot of fun too!

  3. Could be dangerous...but I bet you are really having fun with it! Now how does Mika like it?

  4. beautiful photos.
    I've had a lovely time here today, thank you and a very happy birthday to you for the 10th :)

    best wishes

  5. I knew I would love it - thanks for posting photos of it in action. Am I too old to be asking Santa for one?

  6. What a cool toy?

    How fun. My dog would go nutso!

  7. @ Debbie... *lol* NO I did not chase kitties with it! :) It's the other way around...

    @MJ... Mika thinks it's a gigantic bee and wants to catch it out of the air!
    Cleo has overcome her fear not and wants to "kill" it when it's landed... *lol*

    @ Scriptor Senex... NO! You are never to old to ask Santa for a gift like that, it is totally cool and absolutely legitimate for grown up kids like us! ;-)

    @ All... thanks for stopping by and leaving your comments, they are much appreciated! :))


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