Monday, September 28, 2009

Changes, Letting Go, Reminders and Future

Mika is growing and growing.
In his abilities and in his mind.
Sometimes he gets WILD, his face changes and he is here in one second and somewhere else in the other.
That's what got him in trouble.
Last Saturday, late in the evening, he got his little paw caught in the door.
Hasi had just come in with Cleo and closed the door.
Hasi ALWAYS looks AND checks... where are they ??
(Soleil, Mika's sister was still here, she's now back home with her mommy)...
and he was over at the table, but splitseconds later, when the door was almost closed HE WAS THERE!
He was in shock and it took a while to fetch him.
Of course things like that ALWAYS happen on a weekend, where it is almost impossible to reach a vet. So we applied first aid as good as we could and wrapped his little paw with a bandage. Two of his little toes on the left front paw were damaged, nothing seemed to be broken. But what do we know...
We were so upset, but there was nothing more we could do, only try to get through the night and get him to a clinic the next day.

And so it happend.
The vet was happy with the way we had bandaged him and because the wounds were still bleeding (the blood supply was good) they were able to place a few stitches.
They removed one of his nails and did their best to safe the other one.

It's now day 4 out of 10 where he isn't allowed to move excessively, to jump and climb of course. Not easy for a 9 week old kitten!!!
He is back in his cage and we take him out for supervised play time and cuddling of course.

His bandage has to be changed every day and that is quite a challenge. Clearly he doesn't like it at all.
It's really heart wreaking to do that to him but what choice do we have?!
No I know why I would be a terrible nurse and why it never crossed my mind to go into that profession...

He still loves to have his bottle at least once a day.

Isn't he cute with his little sledgehammer???!!

Another important thing "happend" last week.
"Our" boys, Indigo and Midas, moved to their new homes.

Midas is living with our friends north of Växjo now.
And he will have a great life there!
He's such an angel and is now where he always wanted to be :)))
Having good company (two other horses), huge pastures and trees, and a lake to look at.

We sent Indigo to Germany last Wednestday.
He arrived there on Thursday.
He will live with our friend Trixi.
She has big plans with him. :))
He has so much potential and Trixi will help him to grow even more.

Now, some of you might be having some questions now, right?

Like "why"? for example...

Why would we give away (we didn't sell them, we gave them as presents so to say)
our precious horses???

Well, the answer is "simple".

We don't have the ambitions anymore (at this point in our lives) to really work with them, ride them, stimulate them.
They were only "pasture ponies" the last few months and that didn't seem right to us.

They deserve better.

We took good care of them, loved them to pieces, but that was not enough.
They were bored.
So we found them new homes with ambitious people who will keep them busy as good as they can.

Horses adjust easily. They won't miss us. We miss them, but that is a human "thing".

It wasn't an easy decision.
Not at all.
But the BEST.
And a very conscious one.
It feels good in our hearts and that is all that counts.

New things will happen in our lives in the future, we'll move again, we'll find Jobs and we'll find new things to do and we'll have many miraculous adventures ahead of us.

Horses will still be part of our lives.
In many different ways.
And the best thing is, that we will be able to visit Midas and Indy.
But we also made it very clear that the new owners are free to do with them whatever they want.
It is important for us to really "let go".

We don't own them anymore.


That is the best way I am able to explain "why"...

Please don't ask any QUESTIONS on this matter in the comment section. ;-)

Be happy for us and the two Horses if you can.

Letting go of something you never really owned in the first place, is one of lifes biggest lessons I think...

All that is left to say now (in this post) is

Thank you MIDAS and INDIGO for so much JOY!


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Eurasian Jackdaw - Die Dohle

This is the Eurasian Jackdaw, called "Dohle" in German. (Corvus Monedula)

I met this little fella (and some of his friends at distance) at the church yard in Åhus last week.

I usually love to see these chummy birds, usually. I don't when they "steal" cherries from "our" tree...

AND when they sit in the birches right in front of the bedroom window 5 in the morning, talking taking taking.....



Visitors from Austria - Photo series

Wir hatten Besuch aus Österreich.
Unsere Ex-Nachbarn Zilli und Manfred nahmen die weite Reise von Oberösterreich auf sich um uns zu besuchen.
Es war ihr erster Besuch in Schweden und wir haben es sehr genossen sie hier zu haben.
Die Beiden blieben 9 Tage und wir machten Ausflüge zu Plätzen die wir schon kannten sowie zu Plätzen die auch für uns neu waren.

Wir nahmen sie mit nach Växjö, wo Freunde von uns wohnen. Die Gastfreundschaft dieser Leute war einfach super.
Dafür möchten wir uns natürlich extra bedanken! ;-)

We had visitors from Austria.
Our ex-neighbors Zilli and Manfred came all the way from Upper Austria.
It was their first time in Sweden and we enjoyed having them here a lot.

They stayed 9 Days and we took them to places we already knew and to places we didn't know.

We visited friends of ours with them, their (our friends in Växjö) hospitality was amazing!
Thanks for that!!! ♥

Hier ist eine Photoserie von einigen dieser Ausflüge, gemacht sind diese entweder von mir, Manfred oder Zilli...

Here is a series of photos that were taken either by me or by Manfred or Zilli...

Wir unternahmen gleich zu Anfang eine Wanderung zu einem der Aussichtspunkte hier in der Gegend.
Belohnung war ein herrlicher Rundblick über 2 Seen und die wunderschönen Felder un Wälder der Umgebung.

We took a hike to a overlook to be able to enjoy the view over the area around the lake that is located not too far north of where we live.

Breathtaking view!

In den ersten Tagen fuhren wir auch gleich nach Åhus, ca. 20 min südlich von hier.
Es war ein herrlich warmer Tag und der Strand war unser erster Stop.
Wir waren versucht um unsere Schuhe auszuziehen und im Wasser zu plantschen, aber in Wirklichkeit war es einfach zu kalt. Es handelt sich schliesslich um die Ost-see und die ist einfach zu kalt zum Baden oder Plantschen. Nur im Hochsommer ist sie zum Schwimmen geeignet, und dann auch nur für hartgesottene.

Then we took them to the beach near the city of Åhus, about 20 min south of here. The beach was our first halt.
It was a very warm day and we were tempted to take off the shoes and walk in the water but it was too cold. That's how it is with the baltic sea, it looks warm on a sunny day bit in reality it's too cold! Brrrr.

Einen Nachmittag spielten wir ein bisschen Badminton (ohne Netz). Unser Garten ist ja gross genug dafür...

We also got to play a little Badminton (kinda - without net) in our huge back yard - or is it the front yard... I still can't make up my mind about that. :))

Dieses Bild hat Manfred vom Schlafzimmerbalkon im ersten Stock aus gemacht, herrliche Morgenstimmung!

And Manfred took this picture one morning from the bed room balcony... the sun was just coming up and the fog was covering Fjälkinge, our village.

Am Rückweg von einem unserer Ausflüge kehrten wir im Schloss "Bäckaskog" ein, nur etwa 10 min von hier gelegen.
Wir genossen Kaffee und Schokokuchen mit Schlagobers.

We also went to "Bäckaskog Slott", just 10 min from here.
We enjoyed a cup of coffee and had chocolate cake with whipped cream.
So ein herrliches Ambiente hat man ja nur selten beim Kaffee trinken!
Der riesige Garten des Schlosses beheimatet unzählige alte Bäume, viele in Europa heimisch, viele vor langer langer Zeit aus aller Welt importiert.
Wenn die Geschichten erzählen könnten...

It doesn't happen every day that you have the chance to have coffee and cake in such a nice ambience.
Then we went for a walk through the Castles huge garden populated with lots of very old trees, some native in Europe, some imported from many different countries of the world.
If they could tell stories....

Der Pfad durch den Park führte uns zu einem der Beiden Seen, von denen das Schloss umgeben ist. Das geschichtsträchtige Schloss war ursprünglich ein Kloster, dann ein Schloss und eine Festung, heute ist es ein Hotel mit Restaurant.

The path took us to the lake that lies right beside the Castle that used to be monastery, home to many lords of old times, and today it is a hotel and restaurant.

One of two lakes besides the castle.

Åhus hat viel zu bieten. Wunderschöne, historische Gebäude, einen tollen Hafen und unglaublich leckeres Eis...

Åhus has much to offer. Wonderful historic buildings, a gorgeaus harbor and great ice cream...

Diese Eisbude steht den ganzen Sommer über auf dem kleinen Hauptplatz der Stadt.
Verkauft wird die in der Gegend sehr beliebte Eismarke "Otto".

This ice-cream balour is open all summer, situated at the town square of the City.
They sell "Otto" ice cream, very popular in this area.

Ein anderer Ausflug führte uns nach Norden zu unseren Freunden Malyn und Phillip. Sie leben auf einer unglaublich schönen Farm direkt an einem der vielen Seen.
Malyn war so lieb und lud uns zu einer Kutschenfahrt ein. Ihr Irish Tinker "Milton" war so nett und zog den Wagen.

Another trip took us up north to our Friends Malyn and Phillip who live at a georgaus place directly on a small lake.
They have horses too and Malyn took us on a little tour around the area with her wagon and Irish Tinker "Milton".

An einem anderen Tag packten wir einen Picknickkorb und fuhren wieder an die Küste.
Im kleinen Hafen von "Landön" genossen wir die Sonne und unsere Sandwiches.
Das nächste Foto zeigt Quallen, sie schwammen zu tausenden zwischen den verankerten Booten.

Another day we went to the small harbor of "Landön" where we had a picknick and watched the jellyfish swimming between the boats.

JEDER Schweden - Tourist MUSS "Ales Stenar" besuchen.
So auch unsere Nachbarn.
Ales Stenar ist so eine Art Stonehenge, ein sehr mystischer Platz direkt an einem der südlichsten Punkte Schwedens.

Every Sweden - tourist HAS TO go to "Ales Stenar".
The mystical "stonehenge" of south sweden.

Auf jedem unserer Fahrten hielten wir Ausschau nach wild lebenden Elchen, leider konnten wir nie einen entdecken.
Daher MUSSTEN wir einen von Schwedens Elch-Parks besuchen...
Nicht besonders spektakulär, aber immerhin bekommt man eine Idee wie gross diese Tiere wirklich sind.

On every drive we were always on the lookout for (wild) Moose (Älg), but weren't able to spot any.
So we had to go to one of Swedens Moose Parks...
not very spectacular but you get at least an idea how big those animals are.

Wir trafen "Oscar" und seine kleine Familie...

We met "Oscar" and his little Family...

Leider hat jeder Urlaub irgendwann ein Ende und unsere Freunde mussten nach Hause.
Wir hatten eine unglaublich schöne Zeit mit ihnen und freuen uns schon sehr auf den nächsten Besuch!!!

Like evey vacation this one had to end too and our friends had to go back home.
We had a great time with them and are looking forward to their next visit!


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Life is about learning

Summer is definately over, it is raining today, the first fall storm is blowing the first leaves from the trees.

It's not even 8am here and already dark outside.

Summer was amazing.
Summer was magical.
Summer was so real.

I too took a summer vacation, a vacation from blogging.
Sort of.
I didn't anounce it like other bloggers did.
It just happend.

In my last post I introduced MIKA and his bigger sister SOLEIL.

I know now a little more about them.
They were rescued by our friends daughter when they were around 2 weeks old.

Their mommy was one of the wild cats living in the city of Trelleborg.
Someone in charge of the city apparently decided to reduce the numbers of wild living cats in the city and the mommy of MIKA and SOLEIL got killed.

The young kittens got hungry and luckily managed to attract the young ladies attention.

All's well that ends well!


Mika feeling the huge rock under his little paws

Soleil... wondering how a sunflower stem tastes.

Mika smelling on the different leaves.

Kittens following auntie Cleo

Feeling safe with auntie Cleo!

Back inside, Mika loves the MacBook! That's my kitty! ♥

Those little cats are amazing.
You can see how they grow every day, every day they get a little more skilful in their movements.
They learn through playing and through watching.
They get more self confidence through positive experiences and more careful wich every "fall" they take.
They are never afraid to try again, to reach higher and further.

Fantastic to watch!

Tomorrow friends from Austria will come and visit.
They'll stay for 10 days and we are planning lots of fun trips in the area with them.


Have a great week everyone!!!


Monday, September 7, 2009

New Family Member :)

This is MIKA.

He is now aproximately 6 weeks old.

He was dumped, together with his sister, about 4 weeks ago.

Somewhere in a big City.

Julia, a very nice, animal loving, young lady found them.

She took care of them, saved their lives.

MIKA is now with us, he still loves to get fed with the bottle.

His movements are still kinda wobbly sometimes, but he gets more and more coordinated every day.

He has one greyish eye and one is sky blue.

We chose MIKA because it means "lucky charm / mojo" in japanese... :)

CLEO is in love with MIKA. :)

And with his big(ger) sister SOLEIL.

She loves to cuddle up to you after she had the bottle.

She will go back home to our friend in about a week or so.

We had lots going on lately.

No time for blogging or following blogs.

Our guest horse ELDMAN, the young stallion, is doing well.

So are our boys INDIGO and MIDAS.

We are looking for a new home/owner for INDIGO.

He gave us so unbelievably much, now it's time for him to move on.

He will enrich someone elses life.

We are all looking forward to meet that person...

"Yooooohooooo - are you out there??? "


MIDAS was gelded last week.

We made that decission quite sometime ago, but then we put it off again and again.

Having another stallion in the stable didn't change much about MIDAS' behaviour, he is always such a nice boy...

BUT we realized again that, unless a stallion is not beeing used for breeding, it doesn't make any sense to leave him a stallion.

Life will be so much easier for him now. :))

He's recovering well from the surgery.

In about 3 days he will be allowed to go out together with his friend INDIGO again.

Until now he's been out by himself, in the paddock next to INDY.

BOTH are in sight for the young stallion, so that he is not allone.

Now I have to go and feed the kittens before they go to bed...

Then we will go to bed...

Getting some rest, soak up energy for a new day.
