Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Moving Horses...

Today we will drive down to Höllviken and move Carola's Horses HOME to Olseröd...
Our KIA is still in the garage, needs to be repaired..
So we have a rental now...
A Volvo, what else in Sweden ;-)

The horses are left to watch over the pasture and barn,
Missy is left to watch the house.
She will do that by sleeping on our bed (which she isn't allowed to but will do anyways cause no one will chase her off.. )

I gotta make some sandwiches now.

Have a great day everyone!


Monday, March 30, 2009

Now i'll stop counting...

I just got back from the woods with Midas and Indigo...

Guess who we met - again...


Jetzt hör ich auf zu zählen...
Schon wieder einen Elch gesehen, während dem Ausritt mit Midas...
Nach gestern Abend, heute früh und jetzt schon WIEDER!

Die mögen uns aber sehr!



Two Moose this morning...!!!


Sunday, March 29, 2009



Just now, minutes ago...

Two Moose - just behind the stable...


(Grad wieder 2 Elche hinterm Stall gesehen! Echt super! hihi)



KIA - Huckepack!


We got to Vinslöv, to Olseröd (Coffee at Carola's), Fjälkinge all right.

On our way back home (looking forward to see the horses and maybe go for a short ride in the woods), - just outside of Laholm -

our pressious car broke down.

Not able to change gears, clutch totally "dead"... (Kupplung kaputti)


you wouldn't believe it but just two days ago we signed up for road help\assistance...

Two days ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who would have thougth that we would need it so fast!


Our car is now in Halmstad at the "Kia hospital"

The driver of the "assistancekåren" (schwedischer 'oeamtc'/abschleppdienst) was very nice and took us to Avis where we could rent a car to get home.

That is where we are now, finally! HOME AGAIN! :))

BUT still, after all this "action"... we are happy with this Sunday.
We had a nice drive, saw a very nice, little farm in Fjälkinge (that we actually might rent from June) and got back home safe and sound.

Fjälkinge... what a beautiful area!!!

In a couple of days we will know more...



Vinslöv, Fjälkinge...

470 KM yesterday...
Slättelynga - Malmo - Olseröd - Kristianstad - Slättelynga.

? KM today...
The plan is Slättelynga - Vinslöv - Olseröd - Fjälkinge - Olseröd - Slättelynga.

Have a nice Sunday everyone!


Saturday, March 28, 2009






AT 20:30 PM



UM 20:30 UHR


Worum es geht

Die vom WWF organisierte Earth Hour begann 2007 in Sydney als Event für den globalen Klimaschutz. Im Jahr 2008 nahmen bereits 50 Millionen Menschen in 371 Städten in 35 Ländern teil und die Earth Hour wurde zu einer weltweiten Bewegung, die fast stündlich wächst.

Das Ziel der Earth Hour 2009 ist es, dass sich mehr als eine Milliarde Menschen in mehr als Tausend Städten der Welt beteiligen. Die Teilnehmer an dieser größten Aktion für das Weltklima aller Zeiten setzen damit ein deutliches Zeichen gegen den Klimawandel und für die Weltklimakonferenz in Kopenhagen, die im Dezember 2009 das Nachfolgemodell des Kyoto-Abkommen beschließen wird.

Die Liste der Städte, die ihre Teilnahme an der Earth Hour 2009 bereits bestätigt haben, umfasst zum heutigen Tag bereits über 1.500 Städte in 80 Ländern. Darunter sind London, Paris, Peking, Rom, Moskau, Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro, Hongkong, Dubai, Singapur; Athen, Buenos Aires, Toronto, Sydney, Mexiko City, Istanbul, Kopenhagen, Manila, Las Vegas, Brüssel, Kapstadt und Helsinki. Abgeschaltet werden auch die Lichter von bekannten Sehenswürdigkeiten wie dem Eiffelturm in Paris, der Christusstatue in Rio de Janeiro, der Alhambra in Granada und das Opernhaus von Sydney. Viele hochrangige Repräsentanten über den ganzen Erdball verteilt unterstützen die Kampagne, darunter sind etwa der Friedensnobelpreisträger Erzbischof Desmond Tutu und die Oscar-Preisträgerin Cate Blanchett.

Die Earth Hour 2009 beginnt am 28. März 2009 um punkt 8.30 Uhr abends auf den neuseeländischen Chatham Inseln und bewegt sich dann im Laufe des Tages entsprechend der Zeitverschiebung über den gesamten Planeten. Die letzte Station markiert Las Vegas im US-Bundesstaat Nevada. Dort werden bei mehreren großen Spielcasinos die Lichter ausgehen.

Der WWF schlägt den Bürgermeistern aller Landeshauptstädte Österreichs die Abschaltung der Lichter folgender Wahrzeichen vor: für Wien und St. Pölten die Rathäuser sowie das Wiener Riesenrad im Prater, für Graz den Uhrturm, für Linz den Pöstlingberg, für Innsbruck das Goldene Dachl, für Salzburg die Festung Hohensalzburg, für Klagenfurt den Lindwurm, für Eisenstadt das Schloss Esterhazy und für Bregenz den Martinsturm. Der WWF appelliert auch an die Bürgermeister aller Gemeinden in Österreich, die Lichter in ihren Gemeinden abzuschalten und so ein gemeinsames Zeichen mit den Landeshauptstädten zu setzen.

Die Earth Hour ist eine Botschaft der Hoffnung und der Aktion. Jeder kann den Unterschied machen. Mach mit und schalte Deine Lichter am 28. März von 20.30 bis 21.30 Uhr aus und unterstütze die Aktion mit Deiner Unterschrift!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Who am I...

I was just thinking...

Who am I REALLY?

What if..?

Imagine this:

Tomorrow morning you wake up and everything, and I mean everything is gone.

Your hard earned money, your beautiful home, your job (that you might have enjoyed), your car, your computer...

Everything you have left is memories.

Memories of my parents, how I grew up, what I have learned throughout the years.
Memories of success and failure.

Memories of joy and laughter, memories of saddness.

But we all know nothing lasts forever.

You become aware of the fact that you don't have any clue how the future will be.


All you have left is... you.

But who are you?

Who are you without your money, without your house, your job that defined so much of who you thought you were...

...and all the other little things on which we measure weather we lead a successful life?

Who are you without your identity?

Imagine youself sitting still (because that is all you can do) and looking arround.


What do you hear?

What do you see?

What do you feel?

It's like...

peeling an onion.

Layer for layer.

Until nothing is left but YOU.

Who are you?

"WHO AM I ?"


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lucky me!

I got soooo lucky today!

I took Midas and Indigo for a short ride into the woods...

First we went up the hill, got into a huge snow storm ( I looked like a snowman) and I really asked myself "what was I thinking!?"

And I could hear the horses think "what was she thinking??!!"


Well, going down the other side of the hill the weather got better. The storm was gone as quickly as it had arrived and the sun was shining again.



I saw a Moose standing next to the trail about 150 m ahead of us.
I stopped Midas and thought "wow!"
I tried not to breath and thought about turning around to take another trail back home.
But then i got curious...
How would the moose react?
Would it run away or attack?
I wanted to find out...
So I asked Midas to walk forward again and soon I saw that Mrs. Moose turning the other direction walking away from us, about 20 to 30 meters into the bush bush.
Then she stopped again turning her head into our direction.

That was when i spotted the others!!!
It looked like two (almost grown up) calfs, standing very close, almost leaning against each other, also watching us passing by.
I stopped Midas again and the 3 Moose(s ???) looked at each other.
I have to add that Midas and Indigo seemed to have no clue what was going on...
which I was very happy about, because I really think IF they had known, Midas would have lost controle of himself (meaning he would have started to run like hell, me on him trying to hold on to the saddlehorn...)

So we stood there for a little while and I enjoyed every second of it, feeling pretty lucky and blessed.
I didn't want to piss off the Moose though (Moose mums are well known for defending their young very agressively..), so I decided to keep on moving.
As I looked back over my shoulders one more time, I had a big smile on my face.

I sat back in the saddle and had just started to relax, when Indigo made a big jump - and Midas with him... OF COURSE!

DEER on the run...

Well, we got settled down again quickly and continued to head home...

Still happy and smiling and not expecting anything.


Around the corner, turn to the left, just 5 minutes from home.


I couldn't believe what I saw.
To the right, in the bush bush again. This time only one of them (at least as far that I could see). WOW!
I stopped the horses again even though this time Midas was not responding so well to my cues. I am pretty sure that this time he had heard "her" and of course he must have smelled "her" too.
All I saw was bush bush and 2 big, round and fluffy ears, directed towards us.
Again, I tried to keep Midas still for a couple of seconds and held my breath.

What a moment. So much engergy and truth.

It was really like...


PS: great site for background/desktop images, all free... HERE

Monday, March 23, 2009

Foto Blog INDIGO

New entry in my photo blog



...and prepared for all the turns your life might take, at anytime!

I got reminded of that AGAIN.

Be Ready!

Otherwise you get thrown off the road and then... you gotta crawl back up onto the path. You gotta get up and shake the dirt off and get going again.



There is two ways of doing that...

1 get going again while looking back on what happend, feeling sorry for yourself or being angry and blaming yourself and others

2 get going and looking forward with a smile on your face


we'll be moving soon.

I can feel it.

It will be great and exciting.


We will stick together, Indy will stay with us, i'ts not time yet.


We will look forward with a smile on our faces and joy in our hearts.

That is the right attitude.


Building and Rebuilding.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


What to do with time?

Listen to music.

Go for a walk.

Eat a meal together with your family, your loved ones.

Write down your thoughts.

Trying to let the heart speak, not the mind.

Sitting still.

For a while.

Or a long time.

Listen to the inside.

Listen to silence.

Letting your creative, loving inside come to the surface.

This basic inside that connects us to everything around us, everything that is important for us.

The people we love so dearly, the animals in our lives.

Trying to touch their hearts as they touch ours every single day.

Time does not exist, it is an illusion.

That is what I heard and read.

And sometimes it really is like that, I can really feel that it is an illusion.

And then I have a smile on my face.

It's when I see a stranger smiling at me on the street, in a passing car, in a store.

It's when I see a child smiling at me, or when a child smiles at his mother.

It's when I see our horses play with eachother, when I see our dogs playing with each other.

It's when I see how Hasi touches the dogs, Missy or one of the horses. When I see the way she looks at them. When I see how she looks at me sometimes. ;-)

It's when I see the geese fly in formation high up on the sky.

It's when I see that a stranger helps someone else.

I even feel it when I see futile violence on the TV screen.

It's when I feel my horse breath underneath me, taking step by step, carrying me.

It's when I feel his trust, his respect, his love.

LOVE. Pure and easy.

That is all I want to get.

That is all I want to give too.

Not mind-love.


Pure Love.

Easy and clean.

Because Love is Life.

TIME is just a tool. TIME is a gift. TIME is what we can give to others. By listening instead of rushing through others lives.

Too often we put on a show for others. We are afraid to be who we are. It is all about entertainment in these days. Isn't it.

It is all about performance.

Too often we don't even remember who we really are anymore.

We are all tangled up in this machinery called society.

We have to break free. Have to break the circle. The circle of lies and illusion.

We have to see TIME for what it is. An ILLUSION.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Welcome friends!

Hello and Welcome to all the readers of Hillybillyfarmgirl!

A special Welcome to our regular readers Hilde, Belu and Blueberry!


Nice to have "friends" from all over the place (planet)!!!

I moved my Blog... please check out the latest entry(s) at:
