Saturday, October 26, 2013

One more time winter is just around the corner

I took these photos about 2 weeks ago. 
Life here in Småland (a region of Sweden also called Kronobergs län) doesn't really change, we do what we do every day, go to work and try to keep up to the speed of this time and space we were placed in. We just get older and hopefully somewhat wiser as we row along. 
Life just does it's thing and sometimes WE just find each other in different places when we wake up the next day. 
Never the less, life is good and we do our best to still love and support each other. 
Half of the family moved away from Södratorp, but of course we continue to be part of each others lives. 
Cleo comes and visits during weekends and the cats (Mika and MissyLou) and I really enjoy her company. Of course we go for walks en have a good time. 

Here come some impressions from this lovely lovely autumn season we are given to experience. 
...after an incredible nice summer i have to add..! 


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Thinking about a vacation from the vacation.... ;-)

Cleo and Aaron are saying "HI"

...and so does Hillybillyfarmgirl aka Michaela :)